White all over with a coloured protrusion coming out of its head...
"Damn !" I thought, "It must be a unicorn !”
With one hand clasped firmly around a "large winter dream milky bubble tea w/ sago" I stood transfixed as the beast continued its approach.
Smooth and silky, it wasn't until I could feel the heat emancipating from its white core that the full predicament of my situation hit me. Here I was, witnessing a once in a lifetime opportunity - and where the shit was my camera ?!?
Sensing my distress, the rider of this noble steed chose that exact moment to dismount right there in front of me under the pretext of making a call...
As if to say "everybody gets one" he stood eerily still as I reached into my back pocket and grasped my ol trusty camera / phone !
Then, with barely a neigh (or perhaps a sudden change of mind?), he was back on and off again leaving me scantily a moment to cry "it's for yourbikeisrad dot com forwardslash blogspot tumblr!"
Since the, I have often wonder about that day and perhaps, maybe just maybe, if I'm lucky I'll get to see it again one day :)
Big thanks to Enrico Iglesias our eyes in Perth for this submission
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